
Personal Videos

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Tim's personal videos are all for his YouTube channel, and cover a wide veriaty of tech-based topics. From Tim Tries to Turbo Tutorials to interviews, and a lot of other types of videos.

Middleware Productions Videos

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Middleware Productions Videos are all shot at conferences where Marc and Tim move between back stage and the audience to create vlogs showign the vibe of the conference. Middleware Productions Videos are shot, cut, edited and produced on the same day. We shoot in the morning and the video is shown at the conference at the end of the day.

Hygraph Videos

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Tim's Hygraph videos present a mix of thought leadership about Headless CMS, prouct feature explanations and the CMS Maverick series.

Uniform Videos

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Tim's Uniform videos present a mix of thought leadership about the DXC space, prouct feature explanations and tutorials.

Headless Creator Videos

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Headless Creator is a learning platform for continuous learning focused on composable architectures and headless technologies. Tim made a series of videos about composable DXP, later named DXC.